we make bridge
between the east and west

Base in culture and philosophy, focus on comparation of history, religion and humanity. We make bridge between the east and west, find the match point and main concept between east and west country.

Base in culture and Philosophy , focus on comparation of history, religion and humanity , we make bridge between the east and west, find the “match point” and main concept between east and west country.

Fashion and culture project: beginning with culture concept, we put Italian Opera- Beijing Opera-Alta Roma together, The same time, we invite the top 3 big Chinese fashion companies that have 1300 stores around China; Depend on the both mot…

Fashion and culture project: beginning with culture concept, we put Italian Opera- Beijing Opera-Alta Roma together, The same time, we invite the top 3 big Chinese fashion companies that have 1300 stores around China; Depend on the both mot…

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